
7 Common Myths About Radon Debunked

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Myth: Radon is not dangerous.

Fact: Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that has become the second-leading cause of lung cancer - second only to cigarette smoke. Radon induced lung cancer kills one person every 25 minutes, joining arsenic, asbestos and benzene as a Class-A Carcinogen. Radon levels are measured in picocuries per liter, or pCi/L. A measurement of 1 pCi/L is equal to 2.5 cigarettes each day. If your home has a reading of 4 pCi/L, which is the Environmental Protection Agency's required action level, each person in the home is breathing in the equivalent of 10 cigarettes per day. The EPA, CDC, American Lung Association and the American Medical Association all agree that radon gas has a harmful effect on human health.


Myth: Radon testing is time-consuming and expensive.

Fact: We offer two forms of radon testing. Our 48-hour charcoal test is FREE of charge and very easy to set up. Once the test is complete, the homeowner must mail the test to Alpha Energy Laboratories to receive the results. Our continuous monitor test, which costs $100, is the most accurate test in the industry and it provides reliable results within 48 hours. One of our Design Specialists will set the test up for you and then return after 48 hours to print and explain your radon test results. Depending on your radon test results, our specialists will decide if further action is required in your home. 


Myth: Radon effects only certain kinds of homes.

Fact: Radon can be a problem in any kind of home. It does not matter whether a home is old or new, if it is insulated or not, or if it does or doesn’t have a basement. Radon comes from the natural breaking (radioactive decay) of uranium. It is found in igneous rock and soil and it easily penetrates building materials such as concrete, mortar, sheetrock, wood paneling, and most insulations, causing it to seep into homes. Regardless of age, every home should be tested for radon.


Myth: Radon test results from a neighbor’s home is an accurate indication of radon in your own home.

Fact: Soil composition and ground permeability are key factors in how radon affects a home. Differences in the construction of homes can also account for differences in radon levels. Radon levels can vary greatly from home to home. The only way to know if your home has a radon problem is to test it.


Myth: You can’t solve radon problems in every home.

Fact: Although the design of the radon mitigation system may vary, we can mitigate radon in virtually any home. Homes are generally categorized according to their foundation design. The existence of a basement, crawl space, or concrete slab all determine the proper mitigation system needed. American Waterworks' radon technicians are trained extensively on the best practices for properly installing radon mitigation systems to pull radon from within the home and expel it outside the house, regardless of the kind of home. 


Myth: It is challenging to sell a home that has a history of radon problems.

Fact: If a home has a history of radon but proper measures have been taken to fix the radon problem, it can be a good selling point and can increase the value of the home because there is an added layer of protection in the home.


Myth: I’ve lived in my home for many years, so it doesn’t make sense to act now.

Fact: Although a homeowner may have been exposed to radon for many years, it is never too late to have your home tested and mitigated. You will reduce your risk of lung cancer when you reduce your radon levels, even if you’ve lived with high levels of radon for a long time.


If you have not had your home tested, contact us today to receive a radon test and a mitigation estimate!

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MinnesotaIowa Our Locations:

American Waterworks
1307 Valleyhigh Dr NW
Rochester, MN 55901

American Waterworks
4119 14th Ave N
Fargo, ND 58102

American Waterworks
19960 Saint Francis Blvd,
Nowthen, MN 55303
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